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From a DCPS Teacher

Teachers Need to Take a Stand

With the recent release of Mrs. Robinson’s contract, which is now up to almost $100,000, an increase of around $18,000 since she took over. Since she has arrived teachers have been ask to do more and more for less, including 5 preschool workdays. What most people do not realize is that as teachers our contract contains a “slave” clause that says we have to do whatever is deemed necessary. Well whatever is necessary does not include going beyond the length of our contract. Teachers are contractually bound to work 180 school days and 20 workdays, which can be achieved in a variety of ways. Well the gist of this is the days in the contract. We are bound to work 6 hours for each workday and then they have to specifically fall within the schools guidelines. How many times have my coworkers told me, I had 40 workdays this year, I am going to have to quit doing that. We all need to take a stand on this and only fulfill our contracts. Once you get to the 20 days that are required report this to your principal and tell him/her that you will only work extra if you are paid in accordance to your full contract salary. This is a Virginia employment law case; you cannot be forced to go beyond what your contract requires! This will legally put an end to forcing us to work whatever days they want us, doing whatever it is they request. If we do this, 3 days before the school year will be back next year.

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